Didn't happen, sorry. But two little new things I did anyhow.
On Friday night, two friends and I went to "Vivu", a relatively new Vietnamese restaurant on Moltkestraße here in Düsseldorf. Reasonably priced, good cocktails and incredible food. The interior design reminds one a little bit of a swimming pool building but we had a blast that night, laughing all the time about ideas for carneval costumes.
This place has the potential to see me more often.
New deed no 2
This is a very small new thing but yesterday when I went to buy some things that we needed around the apartment -- detergent and such -- I bought a pack of lecithin granulate, for better concentration and all. Not that I need it on a regular basis but I thought it couldn't hurt. I've tried it twice already, no measurable results. But it tastes good. :)
2 Kommentare:
Apropos Karnevalskostüme.... wir sind noch immer nicht als Scheiße gegangen. Zugegeben, das ist ein Gruppenkostüm. Aber drei Leute sollte man doch zusammenbekommen, oder?
Scheiße genug sind wir ja. :)
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