But at the end of last year I figured that there actually is something I can pledge to do. And so I did. This is my pledge:
Do something new every week!
Sounds easy, doesn't it? Well, I am confident that if you tried doing it yourself, you would find out how fast time actually goes by. A new experience every week can work some people out.
This is it, my new year's pledge.
And these are the things I did for the first time this week.
I started using Pidgin, an open-source instant-messaging client that is able to deal with the biggest variety of protocols I have ever seen. ICQ, IRC, AIM, Yahoo, MSN? That's just where it starts. What intrigued me to try it, however, is the fact that with some extra plugins, this funky little program is able to include Skype and Facebook Chat as well!

I built myself a little cave underneath my bunk bed. A couch had been sitting there, almost never used, and I flipped it back so that it lay flat. I put my Fatboy sitting bag on top, and with the curtains I installed yesterday, it has become a cute little place of peace and quiet, great for comfy reading and meditation. I highly recommend this if you feel stressed out by the daily information overload.
New deed no 3
I went shopping for women's underwear! Well, I didn't go shopping myself, actually, but accompanied a friend of mine was looking for some red underwear for herself to wear on newyear's eve. She said it's supposed to bring good luck, so the Spanish say. Anyway, I have now attended Female Underwear 101!
New deed no 4
When I visited my parents recently, I checked their oil tank for the first time to see how much was left. I know, it's not the vastest development on earth, but it's new alright.
52 new things to be done in 2009; that should be doable, shouldn't it?
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