Okay girls, this is getting serious. No post for two months; that's a clear sign that something major has changed. Last newyear's eve I had the feeling that something major was going to change for me in 2009, but I had no idea what that would be. I was hoping it would be a job in California and, obviously, after my breakup in July, a new boyfriend.
In the first half year I at least got myself a great new job, my current one here in Frankfurt. It was about time considering the insanity that had been going on at my office at the time. Well so I moved to Frankfurt, no big deal to me at the time. Frankfurt was only 200 km away from Düsseldorf after all. Considering that I had silently agreed to myself to move to California, Frankfurt was almost like staying where I was.
So the new job started, and in spite of all the novelties that the job and Franfurt brought, I was still waiting for the big change. And I am still not sure how big the change has to be to be "the big change" that I had anticipated last newyear's, but what about this:
I am moving in with my new three-months boyfriend, and I am having a great feeling about this. He and I are getting along extremely well, and all my friends and family seem to like him as well. Then again, he is very hard not to like.
Last weekend we were at a dance party, together with my ex-roomy Amalia (who, of course, approves of him as well), and as I was standing there watching him dance I thought, "Huh, and this man over there is my boyfriend." I was proud and happy. Very much.
This move is a major change. For the first time I am in a relationship in which both my boyfriend and I share the same feelings for each other, enjoy each other's company, and are ready to share a 57 m² apartment with each other. And as big this step might be, as simple and natural it feels, unless you think about it.
So from the beginning of December on, I'll have a different address and landline number in Frankfurt. If you don't get an e-mail with the details by the end of November, ask me, please.
For the novelties, I don't know where to start any more. My boyfriend and I have been to innumerable restaurants and bars, seen new movies (such as, "Up" and "Verblendung"), played new games (DJ Hero is the shit!), and made new friends. We're all over the place, and I'm loving every bit of it.
Oh, by the way! If you feel like joining us for our move (technically, it'll be two moves, one on Friday evening and one on Saturday morning), let me know! We're throwing a move party! We'll provide food and drinks, music and Wii games. We can of course use help to carry the boxes and furniture but also to put the furniture together and set up the apartment, and whenever you feel like chilling on the couch and having some food and drinks, you're welcome to. The plan is to have a set up apartment by Saturday night and slip into a regular little housewarming party.
Sounds fun, doesn't it? Believe me, it will be.